Empty-handed I entered the world
Barefoot I leave it
My coming, my going-
Two simple happenings
That got entangled
Kozan Ichikyo
There is more to being present than meets the mind. Mercurious meditation explores Buddhist principles and contemplates how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world. Learning to see things just as they are (without adding anything), to see what is directly there, then we can begin to experience the sacredness and spaciousness of this precious life moment to moment.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, year after year, has shared teachings on the profound relevance of compassion in our world today. He has encouraged us to face the truth of suffering in our world and to work for personal and social transformation. The pandemic, the ravages of the climate catastrophe, the sixth mass extinction felt in so many quarters, the war in Ukraine, and the social, racial, and political churn we have been witness to, have given us a vivid chance to look at how we live as individuals and also as a society and what makes us human and how we might open our lives to fostering and living with compassion in our fraught world.
These principles are the foundation practices of Mercurious meditation.